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Apple Makes Feature Naming Fun (And So Can You)

At its recent developer conference, Apple talked about some of the amazing new features it offers across products.

When talking about the Apple Watch Series 9, Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams did a demo of DoubleTap, which enables anyone wearing the Watch to answer a call or play music simply by tapping a finger and thumb together twice.

The tech behind this feature is amazing: there's a neural engine in Series 9 watches, which processes data from the Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Optical Hard Sensor.

From a branding perspective, what’s amazing is how Apple DOESN'T talk about the tech. It uses simple, human language to capture the elegance of this feature for the user. And Apple does this for so many other features, including: NameDrop, FaceTime, Check In, Walkie-Talkie, to name a few.

Now, you might be thinking that feature naming would be easy if you only had Apple’s technology at your disposal–or if you were a consumer brand selling beautifully designed devices.

But this is where I'd challenge you. We can't all be Apple. But every company has the power to use language to humanize their features and drive preference for their brand. It's all about how you think about your features and how they matter to customers.

Features are important! At the same time, customers don't need to know everything about the features to find them useful. This thinking should be part of your brand strategy, no matter how complex an industry you operate in.

2 min read

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© Matt Huss

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